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Symptoms of Mosquito Allergy, Things You Should Know

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Symptoms of Mosquito Allergy, Things You Should Know Empty Symptoms of Mosquito Allergy, Things You Should Know

Pisanie by Ginana22 Wto Sie 17, 2021 7:58 am

When mosquitoes bite, we tend to itch. Swelling and redness are normal. But for those who are allergic to mosquitoes, it will intensify even more. both swollen than usual There is a wide area of ​​redness. In addition, after it is healed, there will be dark spots left to bother us again, causing all our beautiful skin to be damaged. Today we have brought a way to prevent and relieve itching from mosquitoes to leave each other, how will it be detailed? Follow and read in this article.

What is an allergic reaction to mosquitoes (Skeeter Syndrome)?
Almost everyone is susceptible to mosquito bites, but for those with severe allergies. There may be more symptoms than others that can develop into serious symptoms. The most common symptom is redness, itching, caused by a reaction of the body's immune system to proteins in the mosquito's saliva. This reaction is called Skeeter Syndrome. When a mosquito penetrates to suck blood, it releases certain proteins into our blood. so that the blood does not clot make it easier to suck blood

Some people are more at risk of allergies, such as young children. People who are allergic to certain components of mosquito saliva, such as proteins and antimicrobial agents. Which may be at increased risk of allergic reactions to mosquitoes. The more we are bitten by mosquitoes, the more prone to allergic reactions. that means Adults tend to have less severe reactions than children. Most of the swelling occurs several minutes after a mosquito bite or is seen the next day. These symptoms can occur within 48 hours after the mosquito bite, but the itching and redness will fade and the swelling in the skin will gradually decrease until it returns to normal. It usually takes about 3-4 days, and the swelling subsides after about a week.

Groups at risk of mosquito allergy
People who are at risk of mosquito allergy have the following characteristics:

- man
- pregnant women
- People who are overweight or obese
- People with type O blood
- People who just exercise
- People who release higher amounts of uric acid, lactic acid and ammonia.
- Someone who just drank beer
- People who wear dark clothes because mosquitoes like heat Wearing dark colored clothing may be more prone to mosquito bites. because the paint absorbs the heat

mosquito allergy
People who are allergic to mosquito bites will have larger blisters than normal. which is one of the symptoms of a severe allergic reaction These symptoms may include There is a lot of itching in the area where the mosquito bites, wounds, bruises around the mosquito bites, swollen lymph nodes. or naphylaxis, a rare and life-threatening condition that can also result in throat swelling, shortness of breath, and wheezing, requiring medical attention. immediately and if you have the following symptoms You should seek medical help immediately.

- have a fever
- severe headache
- Nausea or vomiting
- a rash
- have symptoms of fatigue
- Neurological changes, such as weakening of the muscles on one side of the body

Simple relief for mosquito bites
When mosquito bites, you can try some simple methods to fix yourself at home.

- Wash the bite area 1-2 times a day and apply an antibiotic cream such as bacitracin, polymyxin.
- Use a cold cloth or wet cloth to wipe the area that has been bitten by mosquitoes as soon as they are bitten. to reduce swelling
- Apply warm oatmeal to the bite area. to relieve itching
- Use baking powder dissolved in water and water 1-2 times a day until swelling and itching decrease.
- Apply pressure with a fingernail or other object such as a pen cap for about 10 seconds to temporarily relieve itching.

How to prevent
When a mosquito bites and has an allergic reaction, it is quite annoying, so we need to find a way to prevent it. starting from the destruction of the water source which is the breeding ground of mosquitoes Avoid being in a crowded place. or being in the open air in the early evening because it is the time when mosquitoes are the most In addition to preventing the occurrence of mosquitoes Self-defense can also help, such as wearing long sleeves, long pants, and fixing holes in the windows and doors to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home. Use citronella candles in outdoor areas. It is important to apply the drug containing Diethyltoluamide (DEET), a popular compound used to repel mosquitoes.

American Institute of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology It is recommended to use anti-mosquito products that contain between 6-25% DEET. This substance can provide protection against mosquitoes for up to 6 hours. It is important to follow the instructions carefully. And to be safe, test the product on your arm slightly. Wait 24 hours to make sure it's safe for your body. This is because the substance can cause allergic skin reactions.


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Data rejestracji : 10/05/2021

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